Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog 1

            "So much of our lives involves making decisions that have consequences for the future, " says Loewenstein. This quote reflects directly on empathy gap. You never really know how you will react unless u are put in a certain situation. I remember one time my sister got into a fight and when I heard about it I got really upset and wanted to confront the girl. All I kept telling my mom was "Ma I don't care about what she says, as soon as I see her I am going to let her know exactly how i feel" A couple of days later the girl came to my house to apologize. I didn't quite know how to react but I knew that I didn't want to put my hands on her. I'm not sure if I felt bad but I know I didn't want to do something that would get me in trouble with the law. I thought about how calm the girl was and how calm I was before she stepped in my house and that influenced my decision and calmed my rage down.
            Gilbert claims that we have a defense system that helps us feel better when bad things happen. I strongly agree with this statement mainly because of some personal experiences. Last week I lost my cousin Darlyn. We grew up together and were very much alike from our looks to our sense of style. When he passed away I was devastated. I still don't think I will ever get over it but depending on what I'm doing or who's around me my sorrow is hidden. While it's hidden I tend to feel better about this tragedy and the sadness I have within. I tend to smile and laugh even tho in the back of my head only know what I'm going through.  They say "Only time can heal a broken heart" but I disagree, it's up to you whether you want to get over things and feel better about the bad things that cross your path. Your happiness is in your hands and you don't even know it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome to my blog...

I don't really know what to say. Feel free to comment on what ever I post. :) I was born September 14th. I Love cup-cakes... I am very friendly and I love trying new things. I am Domincan and I enjoy painting and drawing. I like bows and pink shinny things.... my friends called me pocahontas until I cut my hair and now I look like Dora the Explorer. I have a younger sister that I treat like my child and my favorite Tv show is Yo-Gabba-Gabba. :)